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Назва: Особливості отримання юридичної (правничої) освіти в Україні (XVII - початок ХХ ст.)
Інші назви: Особенности получения юридического (правового) образования в Украине (XVII - начало XX в.)
Features of getting legal education in Ukraine (XVII - beginning of XX century)
Автори: Бондар, Наталія Анатоліївна
Бондар, Наталия Анатольевна
Bondar, Nataliia
Ключові слова: юридична (правнича) освіта
університетські статути
юридическое (правовое) образование
университетские уставы
legal education
university statutes
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: СНАУ
Бібліографічний опис: Бондар Н. А. Особливості отримання юридичної (правничої) освіти в Україні (XVII - початок ХХ ст.) [Електронний ресурс] / Н. А. Бондар // Приватне та публічне право. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 3-8.
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті досліджено особливості розвитку юридичної (правничої) освіти на території України в XVII - на початку XX ст. Проаналізовано особливості навчального процесу Львівського університету, імператорських університетів - Харківського, Київського та Новоросійського. В статье исследованы особенности развития юридического (правового) образования на территории Украины в XVII - нач. XX в. Проанализированы особенности учебного процесса Львовского университета, императорских университетов - Харьковского, Киевского и Новороссийского.
Опис: The actuality of a comprehensive study on the development of legal education in our country is conditioned by the need to highlight the peculiarities of the educational and training process in Ukrainian lands during different historical periods. Only knowledge about previous legal education system will allow the modem system to be more perfect and expedient. In our opinion, the formation of higher legal education in the Ukrainian lands can be divided into several stages: 1) XVII-XVIII centuries - the emergence of legal education in the Ukrainian lands; 2) XIX beginning of the century - this stage is related to the activities of the Imperial Universities - Kharkiv, Kyiv and Novorossiysk and the continuation of the Lviv University’s activity, the opening of Chemivtsi University; 3) 1917-1991 - this stage falls on the Soviet period;4)1991- present time - development and reform of legal education in independent Ukraine. The event, which is associated with the emergence and development of legal education in Ukraine, was the Lviv University’s foundation on January 20th, 1661 on the basis of the school at the Lviv Jesuit College. Among the four faculties, the Faculty of Law was created, which was called the Faculty of “both rights”, since it trained specialists in Canonical and Roman law. Nineteenth and beginning of the XX century - is the stage of legal education development. Stage is associated with the creation of universities in the Ukrainian lands, consisting of two empires - Russian and Austro-Hungarian. Such universities became imperial - Kharkiv (1805), Kiev (1834) and Novorossiysk (Odessa) (1865). The activities of universities were regulated by the University statutes of years 1804, 1835, 1863, 1884. These legal acts played a significant role in the establishment of not only legal faculties, but also higher education in the Russian Empire. University’s statutes of the nineteenth century regulated all major activities of universities, ranging from economic-administrative to scientific-teaching. Of course, these legal acts had their pluses and minuses, but due to them, the educational process included such positions as rector, dean, professor, associate professor; the structure of universities was fixed in such structural units as the faculty, the department, the laboratory; covered the issue of autonomy, self-governance, organization of the educational process, etc . The development of legal education in Ukrainian lands in a defined period took place in difficult conditions of Ukrainian statehood’s absence. Ukrainian lands were divided and were part of several states, of course, this fact affect the further development of legal education. Because the need to reform and improve legal education, active European integration educational processes, it is necessary to take into account historical experience, use the positive experiences in this field, which have passed the test of time.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repo.sau.sumy.ua/handle/123456789/5890
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