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dc.contributor.authorPrymenko, Vladyslav-
dc.contributor.authorHelikh, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorStepanova, Tetyana-
dc.contributor.authorПрименко, Владислав-
dc.contributor.authorГелих, Анна-
dc.contributor.authorСтепанова, Тетяна-
dc.contributor.authorПрименко, Владислав-
dc.contributor.authorГелих, Анна-
dc.contributor.authorСтепанова, Татьяна-
dc.identifier.citationPrimenko V. Influence of se-lactoalbumin on functional and technological properties of selenium-protein dietary supplements [Electronic resource] / V. Primenko, A. Helikh, T. Stepanova // Journal of chemistry and technologies. – 2021. – № 29 (1). – Р. 162-174. - Режим доступу http://chemistry.dnu.dp.ua/issue/view/13642; https://doi.org/10.15421/082114 - Заголовок з екрану.uk_UA
dc.descriptionВ статье исследованы технологические свойства диетических добавок селен-белковых (ДДСБ), определены основные факторы, обеспечивающие их высокие показатели. Выявлены влагоудерживающая, влагопоглощающая, жироудерживающая и жироэмульгирующая способности добавок «Сивоселен Плюс» и «Неоселен», обоснованы закономерности их возникновения, проведен сравнительный анализ их значений. Основываясь на выявленных функционально-технологических свойствах, разработаны рекомендации по использованию ДДСБ в составе широкого ассортимента пищевой продукции с повышенной пищевой ценностью.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractOne of the possible options for obtaining health products is the enrichment of food products with protein-selenium complexes, which form the basis of selenium-protein dietary supplements (SPDS). SPDS contain the organic Selenium compounds, which are the products of chemical interaction between Selenium salts and globular whey proteins. Such SPDS can be used not only as a source of the abovementioned nutrient, but also as an emulsifier of dispersed systems. Their introduction into the food recipes should not adversely effect on organoleptic characteristics of their quality, should increase the emulsion resistance, enhance the content of organic selenium, which determines the relevance of these studies. The aim of the article is to study the technological properties of selenium-protein dietary supplements to identify ways of their further use in food technology. The technological properties of selenium- protein dietary supplements are studied, the main factors providing their high values are determined. The water- holding capability of SPDS is obviously detected by increasing the temperature of their colloidal solutions to 90 °C. At SPDS «Neoselen» – 336.8 %, at SPDS «Syvoselen Plus» – 221.4 %. So long as significant part of the protein fraction of SPDS «Syvoselen Plus» is denatured during its production, it is natural that the values of the water holding capacity (WHC) of the additive is lower than SPDS «Neoselen» one. Hence, the smaller the number of proteins with natural technological properties in the additive, the smaller the WHC index value of it. Satisfactory values of fat-retaining (FRA) and fat-emulsifying (FEA) abilities of SPDS are determined, thanks to which theу would show stabilizing and emulsifying properties in food systems. The complex of such technological characteristics is due to the modification of whey proteins during the SPDS production, namely: their interaction with serum enzymes (reductases, oxidase s, etc.), Selenium salts, which are both reducing agents and oxidants, pH, temperature, etc. The abovementioned indicators of FRA and FEA can be explained by technological properties of hydrophobic functional groups of SPDS proteins that are presented on their contact surface (-СН3, -С2Н5 and so on). The study of moisture-absorbing capacity (MAC) and WHC of SPDS confirm the hypothesis. It became obvious that «Neoselen» in contrast to «Syvoselen Plus» has pronounced functional and technological properties as a result of SPDS experimental research. Thus, the WHC of this additive is 1.5 times higher than in SPDS «Syvoselen Plus» (336.8 ± 3.4 % and 221.4 ± 2.2 %, respectively), the rate of FEA – 11.5 times more (216.5 ± 2.1 % and 16.8 ± 0.9 %, respectively). The recommendations for the SPDS use in a wide range of foods with high nutritional value are developed based on the identified functional and technological properties. Based on the results of research on the functional and technological properties of SPDS, the additives have been recommended for use in dietary food technology as emulsifiers and stabilizers of food dispersed systems and sources of selenium as a functional carcinoprotective and immunomodulatory ingredient. У статті досліджено технологічні властивості дієтичних добавок селен-білкових (ДДСБ), визначено основні чинники, що забезпечують їх високі показники. Виявлено вологоутримуючу, вологопоглинальну, жироутримуючу та жироемульгуючу здатності добавок «Сивоселен Плюс» та «Неоселен», обґрунтовано закономірності їх виникнення, проведено порівняльний аналіз їх значень. На основі виявлених функціонально-технологічних властивостей розроблено рекомендації з використання ДДСБ у складі широкого асортименту харчової продукції з підвищеною харчовою цінністю.uk_UA
dc.subjectdietary supplementuk_UA
dc.subjectwhey proteinsuk_UA
dc.subjecttechnological propertiesuk_UA
dc.subjectдобавка дієтичнаuk_UA
dc.subjectсироваткові білкиuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнологічні властивостіuk_UA
dc.subjectдобавка диетическаяuk_UA
dc.subjectсывороточные белкиuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнологические свойстваuk_UA
dc.titleInfluence of se-lactoalbumin on functional and technological properties of selenium-protein dietary supplementsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВплив se-лактоальбуміну на функціонально-технологічні властивості добавок дієтичних селен-білковихuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВлияние se-лактоальбумина на функционально-технологические свойства добавок диетических селен-белковыхuk_UA
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