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Назва: Санітарна обробка холодильного обладнання з використанням дезінфектанту Бі-дез
Інші назви: Санитарная обработка холодильного оборудования с использованием дезинфектанта Би-дез
Sanitary treatment of refrigeration equipment using disinfectant Bi-des
Автори: Старосельська, А. Л.
Старосельская, А. Л.
Staroselskaya, A. L.
Ключові слова: Бі-дез
холодильне обладнання
холодильное оборудование
refrigeration equipment
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: Сумський національний аграрний університет
Бібліографічний опис: Старосельська А. Л. Санітарна обробка холодильного обладнання з використанням дезінфектанту Бі-дез [Електронний ресурс] / А. Л. Старосельська // Вісник Сумського національного аграрного університету : науковий журнал. - Сер. "Ветеринарна медицина" / Сумський національний аграрний університет. - Суми : СНАУ, 2018. - Вип. 1 (42). – С. 48-50.
Короткий огляд (реферат): В статті наведено результати дослідження дезінфікуючого засобу Бі-дез 0,5-% концентрації для обробки холодильних вітрин для ковбасних виробів на етапі реалізації. Якість дезінфекції контролювали по відбиткам з поверхонь з використанням агарових-печаток RIDA®STAMP E. сoli, RIDA®STAMP Total та RIDA®STAMPDesi. В статье приведены результаты исследования дезинфицирующего средства Би-дез 0,5-% концентрации для обработки холодильных витрин для колбасных изделий на этапе реализации. Качество дезинфекции контролировали по отпечаткам с поверхностей с использованием агаровых-печатей RIDA®STAMP E. coli, RIDA®STAMP Total и RIDA®STAMP Desi.
Опис: Bacterial contamination of equipment for the sale and storage of meat products has a huge impact on the quality of meat. High meat contamination by different microorganisms significantly reduces the time of its storage, causes the rapid development of signs of damage and makes meat unsafe in sanitary terms. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study the influence of disinfectant Bi-des on the sanitary and hygienic parameters of refrigeration equipment for meat products at the implementation stage, as well as to check the conformity of samples of sausages in accordance with normative documentation on microbiological indicators. To control the sanitary-hygienic parameters, a microbiological study of prints from the surfaces of refrigerated show-windows carried out. Determined the total number of microorganisms (microbial number), the presence of E. coli, bacteria of the genus Proteus, salmonella and other pathogenic microorganisms. The prints taken using Ridа®Stamp Total agar seals for quick quality detection and quantitative determination of seeding. Following the release of refrigerated showers from content, mechanical cleaning and hot water washing, disinfection carried out using the Bi-dez preparation at a concentration of 0.5 % (50 ml per 10 liters of water.) The treatment carried out daily at the end of the change for 10 days. To assess the effectiveness of the disinfectant used RIDA®STAMP Total Desi agar seals, which contain a substance that neutralizes the action of a disinfectant, due to the fact that, when reducing the effectiveness of some disinfectants do not destroy the bacteria, but only suppress their growth, in the usual environment such minerals. Microorganisms do not have time to form a colony. At the study of 14 samples of fingerprints, the total number of CVDs was from 27 to 34/10 cm2, BGKP – from 3-4/10 cm2. Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, as well as molds did not detect. After exposure, the B-des concentration of 0.5 % (50 ml per 10 liters of water) within 1 hour received the following data using the RIDA® STAMP Total Desi agar seals: the total amount of OCM was 0 to 2/10 cm2; BGKP, pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, as well as mold were not detected. It established that after the daily disinfection of microbiological indicators of sausages were within normal limits. Thus, the obtained data testify to the high efficiency of the used disinfectant. It recommended to prevent the development of microbiological damage in meat products disinfection using the preparation of Bi-des in the concentration of 0.5 %. The use of RIDA®STAMP for rapid detection of agar seals allows for a significant reduction in the number of stages of research, reducing time, labor costs, which is relevant for laboratories controlling food safety parameters.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repo.snau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6496
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