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Title: Застосування систем автоматизованого проектування для підготовки фахівців галузевого машинобудування
Other Titles: Application of automated design systems for training of industrial machine building specialists
Authors: Ребрій, Алла Миколаївна
Рибенко, Ірина Олександрівна
Павлов, Олександр Григорович
Rebriy, A.
Rybenko, I.
Pavlov, O.
Keywords: комп’ютеризація
галузеве машинобудування
branch mechanical engineering
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: СНАУ
Citation: Ребрій А. М. Застосування систем автоматизованого проектування для підготовки фахівців галузевого машинобудування [Електронний ресурс] / А. М. Ребрій, І. О. Рибенко, О. Г. Павлов // Вісник Сумського національного аграрного університету : науковий журнал. – Сер. «Механізація та автоматизація виробничих процесів» / Сумський національний аграрний університет. – Суми : СНАУ, 2021. – Вип. 2 (44). – С. 67-69.
Abstract: В статті розглянуті питання впровадження та використання систем автоматизованого проектування для підготовки фахівців на об’єктах галузевого машинобудування.
Description: The modern market of mechanical engineering imposes more and more strict requirements to terms and cost of design works. Carrying out design work aimed at creating high-quality, competitive products, associated with the preparation of models of components and units, as well as the implementation of a huge amount of mathematical calculations required for engineering analysis of structures. The main way to increase the competitiveness of enterprises is associated with a sharp reduction in the time to create models and accelerate the calculation of mathematical parameters at all stages of product development. Therefore, today in mechanical engineering the importance and practical value of creating a well-developed computer infrastructure as an integral part of modern design and production with a comprehensive solution, based on network technologies and integrated automated systems that provide collective work and the ability to create a single information space enterprises with the provision of continuous information support of the entire life cycle of products and its production component associated with the design and technological preparation of production. The study and application of all possibilities of computer geometric-graphic modeling in the educational process provides the necessary modern specialist outlook in the fields of research, design and engineering support of modern machine-building production. Today, high-performance systems of automated design, technological preparation of production and engineering analysis are widely used. This has become a key element of the business of an enterprise operating in the modern engineering market. The application of computer-aided design systems in the educational process is based and tested on the actual teaching of technical disciplines that form engineering and graphic competencies in students. The use of methodological support allows to increase the motivation to learn and acquire skills in mastering modern means of computer-aided design using modern computer technology, providing the effect - the productivity of professional activities of industry engineering in a competitive environment.
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