Bal’-Prylipko, Larysa; Samilyk, Maryna; Korniienko, Daria; Paska, Mariia; Ryzhkova, Taisia; Yatsenko, Ivan; Hnoievyі, Ihor; Tkachuk, Svіtlana; Bolgova, Natalia; Sokolenko, Viktoriia; Баль-Прилипко, Л. В.; Самілик, М. М.; Корнієнко, Д. А.; Паска, М. З.; Рижкова, Т. М.; Яценко, І. В.; Гноєвий, І. В.; Ткачук, С. А.; Болгова, Н. В.; Соколенко, В. В.
Beet crystalline and pressed sugar consists of 99,61–99,7% sucrose, which is a source of energy for the body. However, this product does not contain other vital nutrients. The object of the study was the method of non-waste ...