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dc.contributor.authorЛозинська, Інна Віталіївна-
dc.contributor.authorЛозинская, Инна Витальевна-
dc.contributor.authorLozynska, Inna-
dc.identifier.citationLozynska I. V. European problems and prospects for the beef cattle in the conditions of membership Ukraine in the WTO [Електронний ресурс] / I. V. Lozynska // Blacksea Caucasus : Scientific journal of academic research (economic, marketing, management). - 2015. - № 5.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe article reviews basic problems of cattle breeding in the agricultural enterprises; found ways to overcome the crisis. There was separately investigated the degree of state support for producers of meat and dairy products compared with еuropean and international practices. Additionally, it was discovered and analyzed benefits and the most possible risks for farms in meat and dairy cattle breeding within Ukraine's WTO membership.uk_UK
dc.subjectagricultural enterprisesuk_UK
dc.subjectstate supportuk_UK
dc.subjectUkraine's WTO membershipuk_UK
dc.subjectсільськогосподарські підприємстваuk_UK
dc.subjectдержавна підтримкаuk_UK
dc.subjectЧленство України у СОТuk_UK
dc.titleEuropean problems and prospects for the beef cattle in the conditions of membership Ukraine in the WTOuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті, тези доповідей

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