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Title: Моделювання та статичне випробування сталевої рами легкоатлетичного манежу УАБС НБУ
Other Titles: Моделирование и статическое испытание стальной рамы легкоатлетического манежа УАБС НБУ
Computer simulation and static testing of UAB NBU track and field arena’s steel frame
Authors: Велитченко, С. Г.
Новицький, О. П.
Орел, О. В.
Піталенко, В. В.
Сіробаба, В. О.
Велитченко, С. Г.
Новицкий, А. П.
Орел, О. В.
Питаленко, В. В.
Сиробаба, В. А.
Velitchenko, S. G.
Novitskiy, A. P.
Orel, O. V.
Pitalenko, V. V.
Sirobaba, V. O.
Keywords: статичні випробування сталевої рами
комп’ютерне моделювання
ПК Ліра
статические испытания стальной рамы
компьютерное моделирование
ПК «Лира»
static testing of steel frame
computer simulation
PC «Lira»
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: СНАУ
Citation: Моделювання та статичне випробування сталевої рами легкоатлетичного манежу УАБС НБУ [Електронний ресурс] / С. Г. Велитченко, О. П. Новицький, О. В. Орел [та ін.] // Вісник Сумського національного аграрного університету. – Сер. «Будівництво» / Сумський національний аграрний університет. – Суми : СНАУ, 2014. – Вип. 10 (18). – С. 72-80.
Abstract: У статті наведено порівняння результати комп’ютерного моделювання і натурного статичного випробування сталевої рами. Моделювання проводилось за допомогою програмного комплексу «Ліра». Порівнювалося два види роботи рами: робоче і в стані випробування. В результаті яких отримано і проаналізовано зусилля у конструкціях і їх деформації. В статье приведены сравнительные результаты компьютерного моделирования и натурно статического испытания стальной рамы. Моделирование проводилось при помощи программного комплекса «Лира». Сравнивалось два вида работы рамы: рабочее и в состоянии испытания. В результате которых получено и анализировано усилия в конструкциях и их деформации.
Description: Unique buildings require very detailed design and innovative construction process. Along with this, after the construction of buildings required constant monitoring and control of the condition of the building, its structures and connections. This helps to test the effectiveness of adopted unique design and give additional impetus to the construction sci ence. Thanks to modern computer software complex calculation may perform a more accurate calculation of buildings constructed decades ago. It also allows you to simulate the condition of the building and list structures by changing the state building codes. Athletic arena of Ukrainian Academy of Banking in Sumy construction was completed in 2002. Design performed "Vental" company (Russian Federation), construction - JSC "Sumbud." According to operating conditions every 4 years bolt connection and frame needs to be tested. In 2006 and 2010 examination were conducted by state structures, made of high-strength bolts and static test frame. Check high-strengthbolts showed that about a third of the bolts loosened torque, so they were tighten to the project torque 104.0 kN. In 2014 it was decided to check all bolts and replace those lost torque. Then the static tests were conducted frames, according compiled programs and schemes tests. Due to the uniqueness of the building and consummated of DBN "Loads and effects" after tests in 2006 on the roof to drain funnel was installed equipment for melting snow and ice. According to SNIP "Load and impact" building`s frame designed for snow load of 70 kg / m2, meaning DBN "Loads and effects" is 167 kg / m2. The aim of the paper is presented modeling working condition and state of the frame during testing and subsequent comparison with the results of static tests. The computer simulation with PC 'Lira' of the condition and state during static testing of steel frame athletic arena UAB NBU were performed. According to the results obtained value deflections of the ridge. Simulation provides an opportunity to see the work of building structures with different load and check their deviations from accepted values, without additional field testing. Modeling and static test almost entirely correspond to the real work of building the frame, when booting the old rules of SNIP. It can be argued that the above work frame, with increasing snow load DBN exceeds the critical current deflection. The exact value of snow load can be determined by measuring snow loads for the effects of melting snow on the roof not insulated. The accumulation of snow loads and the determination of their impact requires a detailed and lengthy research.
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