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Title: Високочастотне глибинне вібрування ґрунтоцементних паль
Other Titles: Высокочастотное глубинное вибрирование грунтоцементных свай
High-speed poker vibration of soil-cement piles
Authors: Зоценко, М. Л.
Новицький, О. П.
Зоценко, Н. Л.
Новицкий, А. П.
Zocenko, M.
Novitskiy, A.
Keywords: ґрунтоцемент
високочастотне глибинне вібрування
міцність матеріалу
высокочастотное глубинное вибрирование
прочность материала
high-speed poker vibration
material’s strength
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: СНАУ
Citation: Зоценко М. Л. Високочастотне глибинне вібрування ґрунтоцементних паль [Електронний ресурс] / М. Л. Зоценко, О. П. Новицький // Вісник Сумського національного аграрного університету. – Сер. «Будівництво» / Сумський національний аграрний університет. – Суми : СНАУ, 2014. – Вип. 10 (18). – С. 167-173.
Abstract: У статті описаний досвід впровадження високочастотного глибинного вібрування ґрунтоцементних паль. Наведені результати експериментального визначення впливу вібрації на характеристики матеріалу паль. В статье описан опыт внедрения высокочастотного глубинного вибрирования грунтоцементных свай. Приведены результаты экспериментального определения влияния вибрации на характеристики материала свай.
Description: Modernbuildingsbecomemassiveandhigher. As consequence the load on the foundation and basement become bigger. At the same time increases the integrity of building downtown. Given that the load on the basement of quite significant, almost always impossible to use shallow foundations other than plate foundations, which in turn is very valuable. A possible solution is the installation of pile foundations. Tight construction conditions do not allow driving reinforced piles diesel or hydraulic hammered. The only reasonable solution is to use a drill and bored piles. To reduce the cost of foundation piles must use soils that lie at the heart of the building. In the study of international experience can be divided into cement soil saturation method, in which material are quite considerable strength – soilcement. Through the use of deep soil mixing technology possible saturation of soil with cement placement of vertical cylindrical soil-cement piles given length and diameter. Thus the use soil-cement piles is the most rational and economic method of construction of the foundation in the proposed terms. The soil-cement piles downside is relatively less material strength due to the absence of large aggregates consisting soil-cement. This leads to the fact that sometimes bearing capacity of piles on the ground may be greater than the carrying capacity of piles material, which leads to an increase in the number of piles. Toidentifytheproblemsproposed high-speed poker vibration ofpiles material. To determine the degree of influence of high-speed poker vibration of strength was performed three soil-cement pile length of 2 m. For two piles were performed high-speed poker vibration. The process of moving the tip of the vibrator from piles base to headroom to allow the most efficient output air from the pores formed in the process of arranging piles and drain excess water in the soil surrounding the pile. Three experimental piles were made directly on the construction site, soil base - alluvial sand medium size, not packed. The results show the positive effect of high-speed poker vibration on soil-cement strength and density. Indicators of the material strength that were vibrated on 63-77% more, and the density increased on 2,4-5,6%. Drawing attention to the coefficient of variation can note a more stable material strength compacted piles. Experimental study of the effect of deep high-speed poker vibration of the soil-cement pile`s material showed a positive result. When using vibration reduced porosity of the material, there is no separation, and do not form a cone-shaped recess and cracks on the surface of the pile headroom.
Appears in Collections:Науковий журнал "Вісник СНАУ"

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