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Перегляд Науковий журнал "Вісник СНАУ" по назві

Перегляд Науковий журнал "Вісник СНАУ" по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Lozynska, Inna; Zhang, Wenxi; Yu, Zhijiang; Yang, Hongmin; Лозинська, Інна; Чжан, Веньси; Юй, Цзіцзянь; Янг, Хонмин; Лозинская, Инна; Чжан, Вэньсю; Юй, Цзицзянь; Янг, Хонмин (СНАУ, 2019)
    The Belt and Road Initiative provides an excellent platform for international education cooperation for Chinese universities. Henan Institute of Science and Technology (HIST) has carried out a series of in-depth cooperation ...
  • Li, Fang; Dubovyk, Volodymyr; Liu, Runqiang; Лі, Фанг; Дубовик, Володимир Іванович; Ліу, Рункіанг; Ли, Фанг; Дубовик, Владимир Иванович; Лиу, Рункианг (СНАУ, 2020)
    With the increasing demand of production, pesticides have been widely used in fruit and vegetable yield. Pesticides are used to kill insects, fungi and other organisms that harm the growth of crops in order to ensure and ...
  • Zhengchuan, Zhang; Guanjun, Liu; Konoplianchenko, Ievgen; Tarelnyk, Viacheslav; Zhiqin, Ge; Xin, Du; Чженчуань, Чжан; Гуаньцзюнь, Лю; Коноплянченко, Є. В.; Тарельник, В. Б.; Чжицин, Ге; Сінь, Ду (СНАУ, 2021)
    Electro-spark deposition (ESD) technology is a new method for repairing and strengthening the surface of metal materials. This method has the advantages of simple equipment, convenient operation and wide application range. ...
  • Fu, Yuanzhi; Trotsenko, Volodymyr; Фу, Юаньжі; Троценко, Володимир Іванович (СНАУ, 2021)
    Steady trend of recent decades is the rapid growth of soil pollution by heavy metals. Metals that do not play a significant role in plant life are particularly dangerous, but they can accumulate in plants and migrate along ...
  • Dongxu, Qu; Shevchenko, Tetiana; Дунсюй, Цюй; Шевченко, Т. І. (СНАУ, 2021)
    In the process of Green Campus Initiative in China, the lag of campus waste management program is the development bottleneck of many universities. To accelerate the implementation of the waste management program at university, ...
  • Ladyka, Volodymyr Ivanovych; Khmelnychyi, Serhii Leontievych; Ладика, Володимир Іванович; Хмельничий, Сергій Леонтійович (СНАУ, 2021)
    The results of research on the assessment of repair heifers of Sumy intrabreed type of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed on the indicators of growth and development using linear measurements body parts of the conformation ...
  • Zhu, Hongxia; Rozhkova, Tetiana; Чжу, Хонксуа; Рожкова, Т. О. (СНАУ, 2022)
    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria widely exist in the plant rhizosphere. They provide nutrition and produce some antibiotic substances to suppress the plant diseases and promote the growth of plants. Therefore, the study ...
  • Xueqin, Zhao; Fotina, Hanna; Lei, Wang; Jianhe, Hu; Ксюєцінь, Дзяо; Фотіна, Ганна; Лей, Ванг; Ху, Цзяньхе (СНАУ, 2021)
    Escherichia coli is an important zoonotic pathogen causing intestinal diseases. In recent years, due to the unreasonable use of antibiotics, the drug resistance of bacteria has been increasing, and the proportion of ...
  • Bordunova, Olga Georgievna; Vechorka, Victoria Viktorivna; Liu, Changzhong; Kyselov, Oleksandr Borisovich; Samokhina, Evgeniya Anatoliyivna; Бордунова, Ольга Георгіївна; Вечорка, Вікторія Вікторівна; Лю, Чанчжун; Кисельов, Олександр Борисович; Самохіна, Євгенія Анатоліївна (СНАУ, 2021)
    The authors theoretically substantiated and practically proved the effectiveness of use of phytogenic drugs in the production of poultry products. In the context of the comprehensive of "ban on resistance" to feed, the use ...
  • Cao, Zhishan; Vlasenko, Volodymyr; Цао, Чжишань; Власенко, В. А. (СНАУ, 2022)
    Chemical pesticides have been gradually replaced by other methods for controlling pests and pathogens in the agriculture, due to the serious “3R” problems (resistance, resurgence, and residue) caused by them. Meanwhile ...
  • Kundera, Cz.; Konoplianchenko, Ie.; Pavlov, A.; Кундера, Ч.; Коноплянченко, Є.; Павлов, А.; Кундера, Ч.; Коноплянченко, Е.; Павлов, А. (СНАУ, 2016)
    A new method for the restoration of metal parts is proposed, which consists in applying a metal-polymer material to its worn surface, by electro-erosion alloying, with its subsequent finishing treatment. Запропоновано новий ...
  • Wu, Liuliu; Zhatova, Halyna; Ву, Люлю; Жатова, Г. О.; Ву, Люлю (СНАУ, 2020)
    Among heavy metals, cadmium (Cd) is highly toxic to plants and it is even considered as one of the most toxic elements released into environments at very low concentrations. The development of industry and agriculture have ...
  • Lukash, S. M.; Лукаш, С. М.; Лукаш, С. Н. (СНАУ, 2018)
    Growing world population, scarce resources and ongoing climate change present industry and society with major challenges. In the future, we will require new economic forms to maintain our prosperity and to enable responsible ...
  • De Carli-Izmaylova, O.; Izmailova, N.; Де Карлі-Ізмайлова, О. В.; Ізмайлова, Н. О.; Де Карли-Измайлова, Е. В.; Измайлова, Н. А. (Сумський національний аграрний університет, 2017)
    The article provides an overview of the data of the world's scientific schools on biological activities of sterigmatocystin (STC). The European Commission requested the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to obtain a ...
  • Kasimanickam, R.; Kasimanickam, V.; Koziy, V.; Ladyka, V.; Kraevskiy, A.; Касіманікам, Р.; Касіманікам, В.; Козій, В.; Ладика, В.; Краевский, А.; Касиманикам, Р.; Касиманикам, В.; Козий, В.; Ладыка, В.; Краевский, А. (Сумський національний аграрний університет, 2017)
    Reproductive efficiency is the primary economic factor for the commercial success of a cattle operation. In a management system using natural service or artificial insemination, bull fertility is more important than fertility ...
  • Tao, Ye; Vlasenko, Volodymyr; Wu, Liuliu; Тао, Є; Власенко, Володимир Анатолійович; Ву, Люлю (СНАУ, 2021)
    Powdery mildew disease of wheat is caused by Blumeri agraminis F. sp. tritici. It is one of the primary fungal diseases of wheat. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore and utilize the broad spectrum anti-powdery ...
  • Abubakari, Ibrahim Cawla; Абубакарі, Ібрагім Кавла; Абубакари, Ибрагим Кавла (СНАУ, 2020)
    The experiments were conducted during 2018 - 2020 on cows of black-spotted breed in the conditions of LLC "Ryasnyanske" of Krasnopil district of Sumy region. Cows were aged 4 - 8 years with an average annual milk yield ...
  • Fotina, H.; Tion, M.; Фотiна, А. А.; Тион, М.; Фотина, А. А.; Тион, М. (Сумський національний аграрний університет, 2018)
    Сanine parvovirus (CPV) was isolated in dogs in 1978. It is an off-shoot of feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV). Because of widespread nature of the CPV infection and paucity of information on its epidemiology in Ukraine, ...
  • Zhike, Liu; Fotina, Tatiana Ivanіvna; Petrov, Roman Viktorovych; Fotin, Anatoly Ivanovich; Jinyou, Ma; Жук, Лі; Фотіна, Т. І.; Петров, Р. В.; Фотін, А. І.; Ждинью, Ма (СНАУ, 2022)
    Salmonella Pullorum (S. Pullorum) is one of the host-restricted serotypes causing systemic infection in poultry. After S. Pullorum infection, chicks and turkeys usually have acute systemic infection. The main clinical ...
  • Лозинська, Інна Віталіївна; Скрипник, Олена Андріївна; Скрипник, Денис Михайлович; Лозинская, Инна Витальевна; Скрипник, Елена Андреевна; Скрипник, Денис Михайлович; Lozynska, I. V.; Skrypnyk, O. A.; Skrypnyk, D. M. (СНАУ, 2019)
    В умовах зростаючої енергетичної залежності України від російських енергетичних постачань та постійного підвищення цін на енергоносії, енергоємна національна економіка, що розвивається, зазнає значних втрат, що призводить ...